Deciding where to install your community’s Dog Park and Pet-Relief Areas? There are usually property lots within residential areas that just haven’t sold for one reason or another. Maybe there are drainage issues, or the grass doesn’t grow very well, or it’s just not an ideal plot of land to build a new home. Letting the professional design team at National Greens transform this unsightly area so that it may become a beautiful, functional asset to your neighborhood. Providing your pet-owning residents with Pet-Friendly spaces can definitely be a deciding factor for many potential renters and homebuyers that have pets or plan to.
Whereas, if using Natural grass, the sod lends to more pet waste buildup, contributing to muddier, messier areas, and additionally, requires mowing, watering, and general upkeep to maintain a comfortable, useful pet environment. Synthetic pet turf is specifically manufactured with weep holes on the underside of the turf, which allows for easier drainage of pet waste and pet urine. The turf is laid over top of a drainage mat which is installed upon a base composed of crushed gravel or decomposed granite and fastened to a thick, sturdy perimeter board.